The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, an Open Bentham title, is now available through PubMed Central.

From Bentham's aims and scope notes: The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of biomedical engineering. This peer reviewed journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on the latest advancements in the field.

Sample issue.

Archive includes: v. 1(2007) – v. 3(2009).
Journal of the American Ceramic Society - now available to WSU faculty staff and students in the Electronic Journal Center.

The publisher, Blackwell, describes the journal: The Journal of the American Ceramic Society contains records of original research that provide or lead to fundamental principles in the science of ceramics and ceramic-based composites. These papers include reports of the discovery of new phases, phase relationships, processing approaches and microstructures that relate to ceramic materials and processes. Topics include: Glass science, crystal chemistry, microscopy and microstructure, bioceramic science, powder processing and colloidal science.

Instructions for authors.

Sample issue.


More journals now available electronically to WSU faculty, staff, and students: