New to the reference collection:

Biomems and Biomedical Nanotechnology

by Mauro Ferrari, ed.
PLDL Reference: TP248.25.N35 B56 2006
  • V1. Biological and biomedical nanotechnology
  • V2. Micro-nano technology for genomics and proteomics
  • V3. Therapuetic micro/nanotechnology
  • V4. Biomolecular sensing, processing and analysis
Springer describes the set: The frontiers of microtechnology and nanotechnology are changing the face of medicine through the efforts of researchers to build biomedical microelectromechanical systems, or bioMEMS - tiny working machines so small, they measure only a few millionths of a meter across. BIOMEMS AND BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY, edited by Mauro Ferrari, comprises the first comprehensive reference devoted to all aspects of research in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), microfabrication, and nanotechnology. Contributions report on fundamental and applied investigations of the material science, biochemistry, and physics of biomedical microdevices. (Read more.)

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