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- now available to WSU faculty staff and students in the Electronic Journal Center -

Elsevier describes the journal: The Journal aims to cover a wide area of research, connected with artificial electromagnetic materials and surfaces in microwave and optical range, and encompassing general theory, design, applications, fabrication and technology. This involves both theoretical and experimental papers on metamaterials, chiral and bianisotropic media, various periodic structures and frequency selective surfaces, EBG (electromagnetic bandgap) and PBG (Photonic bandgap) structures, high-impedance surfaces, nanostructures, etc., as well as whole range of their applications in antenna and circuit technology and various electromagnetic devices. (Read more.)


RefWorks Tip for ISI Web of Knowledge.

The RefWorks notes field can hold a paper's cited reference list.

While using ISI Web of Knowledge:
  • Method A - Search results or Record view
  1. use right-side menu bar
  2. select FULL RECORD + CITED REFERENCES from the drop down menu
  3. skip to Export
  • Method B - View Marked List
  1. check CITED REFERENCES in field menu
  2. skip to Export
  • Export
  1. click on Export-to-Reference-Software
  2. save the uml_view.cgi file to disk
Start RefWorks
  1. choose References | Import
  2. set import filter = ISI
  3. set database = Web of Knowledge
  4. Browse for file: uml_view.cgi
  5. Import

The reference list will display in the notes field when you view or edit a record.


New to the reference collection:

Biomems and Biomedical Nanotechnology

by Mauro Ferrari, ed.
PLDL Reference: TP248.25.N35 B56 2006
  • V1. Biological and biomedical nanotechnology
  • V2. Micro-nano technology for genomics and proteomics
  • V3. Therapuetic micro/nanotechnology
  • V4. Biomolecular sensing, processing and analysis
Springer describes the set: The frontiers of microtechnology and nanotechnology are changing the face of medicine through the efforts of researchers to build biomedical microelectromechanical systems, or bioMEMS - tiny working machines so small, they measure only a few millionths of a meter across. BIOMEMS AND BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY, edited by Mauro Ferrari, comprises the first comprehensive reference devoted to all aspects of research in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), microfabrication, and nanotechnology. Contributions report on fundamental and applied investigations of the material science, biochemistry, and physics of biomedical microdevices. (Read more.)